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New Year's Resolutions for HR Managers

Human Resources icon5 min read


Don’t you love the beginning of another new year, with a blank calendar full of potential? By now you’ve probably had your fill of articles telling you how to improve your health or organize your home in the coming year. You may have even hit the gym or bought some organizational tools to help you become a better, healthier version of your 2017 self.

Setting personal goals is really important, but have you had much time to think about how to become more effective and efficient at work in 2018? If you haven’t taken a few minutes to set goals for your professional life, we have a few suggestions to help you start the year off on the right foot:

1. Get a big-picture idea of the year ahead

This is an important resolution, and, thanks to a few resources we’ve put together, it’s one that you can knock out in a few minutes.

Grab your planner and jot down some important dates using our 2018 HR and Payroll Compliance Calendar. While you’re at it, make sure you have all the ACA reporting deadlines marked, too. Once you’ve gotten concrete dates accounted for, spend a few minutes reading up on workplace trends so you’re prepared for what changes the new year will bring. Taking just a few minutes in January can set you up for success and get you ready to tackle whatever 2018 sends your way.

2. Commit to hiring diverse candidates

The most successful, innovative workplaces are generally also the most diverse. Having a wide variety of experiences and perspectives on hand to solve problems can offer your company a unique competitive advantage. If your workplace doesn’t currently have people with varied skills and backgrounds in positions at all levels, you may want to commit to creating a more diverse workforce in 2018.

Don’t know where to get started? Here are some resources that can help you start thinking about how to create and nurture a diverse workplace:

3. Improve your methods for managing employee performance

How long has it been since you’ve evaluated your performance review process? If you’re still doing it the way it’s always been done—one single meeting with each employee every year— you’re probably doing a disservice to the people who work with you, and you’re almost certainly not getting the best out of your employees.

To encourage continued improvement, it’s a good idea to move toward having more regular conversations with employees about their goals, what they’re learning, and how they can be more effective at their jobs. Here are some articles to help you get started on the right path:

4. Find ways to make your payroll processes run more smoothly

If you’ve spent too much time on your payroll process for the past several years, it’s time to make a change. Commit to finding a way to become more efficient at it in 2018 so you can find more time to work on things that make your workplace better for you and your coworkers. Here are some articles that can help you create a more streamlined payroll process:

5. Stay up to speed on what’s going on in the industry

To stay at the top of your game in 2018, it’s important to know what other movers and shakers in the industry are talking about and trying in their workplaces. This year, commit to continually sharpening your professional skills by reading industry blogs, listening to podcasts, or joining a professional association. Here are a few blog posts we’ve written that can point you in the right direction:

Another easy way to stay on top of what’s happening in the industry: subscribe to the Fuse Workforce blog. We’ll send new articles on HR topics (including compliance, best practices, and industry trends) straight to your inbox every week. In the time it takes you to check your email, you can stay informed and conversant about the most important issues affecting your job.

Are there any other ways you’re planning to improve your professional performance in 2018? What other goals do you have for your work life? Drop us a line in the comments to let us know what kind of resources we can provide to help you be more successful at work this year.