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Build Brilliance: How to Recruit and Retain a More Diverse Workforce

icon6 min read

In today's rapidly evolving world, diversity isn't just about filling a quota. It's a dynamic business strategy that can spark innovation, enhance customer relationships, and drive business growth.

However, hiring and retaining diverse talent isn't always as easy as it sounds. Let's look at some helpful strategies to hire a more diverse workforce and why you'd even want to in the first place.

Understanding Diversity's Power


Diversity in hiring is about bringing together a wide range of people and perspectives into your organization. This includes individuals with different experiences, backgrounds, and even different ways of thinking. 

It goes beyond the characteristics we usually think about, like race, gender, and age. It also includes diverse skills, education, and life experiences. The key here is not just to hire a mix of individuals, but to truly value and learn from these differences. This diversity enriches the organization, fosters innovation, and strengthens the team as a whole.

Let's take a closer look at why diversity matters.

Fueling Innovation

Diverse teams bring together unique experiences, perspectives, and ideas. The combined experiences of a diverse team can lead to increased creativity and innovation. By fostering a diverse workplace, you create an environment where different viewpoints are encouraged and valued. This diversity of thought often leads to unique solutions and innovative ideas that might not be discovered in a less diverse environment.

Better Decision-Making

By bringing together a team of individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with unique experiences, you gain a more comprehensive range of perspectives to consider during the decision-making process. Research from Cloverpop found that diverse teams made better business decisions 87% of the time compared to individual decision-makers, leading to better business performance.

Greater Customer Understanding

Businesses must understand and connect with diverse customer bases in an increasingly global marketplace. A diverse workforce can provide insights into different cultures, practices, and preferences, improving your company's ability to serve a broader range of customers.

Enhancing Company Reputation

A commitment to diversity and inclusion can significantly improve a company's reputation. It sends a powerful message to potential employees, customers, and stakeholders that your company values fairness and equality. This can attract talent, customers, and investors.

Increased Profitability

Numerous studies have shown a correlation between diversity and financial performance. According to a McKinsey report, companies with more gender diversity on their executive teams were 21% more likely to outperform on profitability.

Diversity isn't just a nice-to-have or a quota to meet. Diversity is a powerful agent for innovation, growth, and success in today's global business landscape. It's not just about getting diverse individuals in the door but also about respecting and leveraging the differences they bring to the table.

Strategies for Recruiting a Diverse Workforce

As discussed, there are many advantages to creating a more diverse workforce. So how can you attract more diverse employees to your organization? Here are a few tips. 

1. Embrace Unbiased Hiring

Using tools that anonymize applications can help remove unconscious bias from the equation. But there's more to unbiased hiring than just anonymization. It also involves designing an objective evaluation process, establishing clear and relevant job requirements, and using standardized interview questions to ensure every candidate is assessed on the same criteria.

2. Expand Your Hiring Pool

Don't limit yourself to traditional hiring sources. Reach out to diverse job boards, professional groups, or universities that strongly emphasize diversity. Establishing partnerships with organizations that advocate for underrepresented groups helps you connect with a more diverse set of candidates. 

3. Create Inclusive Job Descriptions

Craft your job descriptions to be welcoming to all potential candidates. Be mindful of your language; avoid gendered language or jargon that might deter certain groups. Clearly state your company's commitment to diversity and inclusion. 

4. Provide Equal Opportunities

Ensure that all candidates, regardless of their background, have equal access to opportunities in your organization. This might involve offering flexible working arrangements, and accommodations for individuals with disabilities, or implementing a fair and transparent promotion process.

5. Leverage Technology

Use HR and recruiting software, like Fuse, to manage your recruitment process efficiently. This software can help you track diversity metrics, manage bias in your hiring process, and ensure that your recruitment strategy aligns with your diversity goals.

6. Foster Diversity from the Top Down

Leadership's commitment to diversity is critical. When leadership visibly supports diversity and inclusion, it sends a powerful message to the rest of the organization and sets the tone for the company culture.

Remember, diversity in recruitment isn't just about hiring individuals from different backgrounds. It's about creating an inclusive environment where everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.

Retaining Your Diverse Workforce

Great! You've created a more diverse employee pool. The real advantage comes when you can keep them around, so let's look at strategies to retain a diverse workforce. 

1. Building a Culture of Inclusion

Creating an inclusive environment goes beyond recruiting a diverse workforce. It involves fostering a company culture where every employee feels valued, heard, and included. This can involve forming diversity and inclusion committees, celebrating diverse holidays and cultural events, or encouraging open discussions about diversity-related topics. 

Learn more about fostering inclusion and openness in our Relational HR Masterclass

2. Continuous Learning and Development

Offer ongoing learning and development opportunities to all employees. This could include mentoring programs, workshops, online courses, or even tuition assistance for further education. Investing in your employees' growth demonstrates your commitment to their career progression and personal development, which can significantly improve retention.

3. Providing Support and Resources

Provide resources such as Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that offer support and a sense of community to underrepresented groups within your organization. ERGs can be a safe space for employees to voice their concerns, share their experiences, and receive peer support.

4. Regular Feedback and Open Communication

Implement a regular feedback mechanism to understand employee needs, concerns, and aspirations. Encourage open and honest communication at all levels. This transparency can foster trust and mutual respect, making employees feel valued and more likely to stay.

5. Fair and Competitive Compensation

Ensure your compensation packages are fair, competitive, and reflect the market. Review and adjust these packages to ensure they match or exceed industry standards.

6. Work-Life Balance

Offer flexible work arrangements to cater to the diverse needs of your employees. This could include remote working options, flexible hours, or generous family leave policies.

7. Recognition and Rewards

Recognize and reward your employees for their achievements, whether big or small. This acknowledgment can boost morale and job satisfaction, leading to increased retention.

Retaining a diverse workforce involves creating an environment where all employees feel valued, heard, and included. 

Removing Unconscious Bias

Unconscious bias is often tricky when fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. It can sneak into the recruiting process, influencing our actions in ways we may not know. However, there are several strategies you can adopt to minimize the impact of unconscious bias and ensure a more inclusive recruitment process.

Anonymize Applications

By implementing an application process that anonymizes personal information (such as names, addresses, educational institutions, etc.), you can evaluate candidates based on their skills and experiences rather than potentially biased factors. This approach focuses on what truly matters - the candidate's ability to perform the job.

Use Structured Interviews

Create a standard set of interview questions for all applicants, and have a clearly defined rubric for assessing the answers. This reduces the opportunity for bias to influence the interview process.

Diversify Your Interview Panel 

A diverse panel will bring a range of perspectives to the process, which can help reduce the impact of individual biases. 

Implicit Bias Training

Provide regular training sessions for your HR and hiring teams to help them recognize and manage their unconscious biases. 

Use Data to Drive Decisions

Use recruitment and HR software, like Fuse, to collect, track, and analyze data throughout the hiring process. This can help you identify any patterns of bias and take corrective action. 

Remember, striving for inclusivity and avoiding unconscious bias is an ongoing commitment. It requires awareness, active effort, and continuous learning. By embedding these practices into your recruitment process, you can ensure that all candidates are given a fair and equitable opportunity. 


Finding Capable Employees

Retaining and recruiting capable employees is crucial to creating a diverse and inclusive workforce. It's not just about hiring a diverse team but also about fostering an environment that supports, encourages, and rewards capable employees of all backgrounds. Here are some strategies to recruit and retain competent and diverse talents:

Recruiting Capable Employees

  1. Skill-Focused Hiring: Instead of focusing solely on a candidate's experience or educational background, focus on their skills and potential. This approach can open the door to a broader, more diverse pool of candidates. 


  1. Build a Strong Employer Brand: A well-articulated employer brand that values diversity and inclusion can attract capable employees from all walks of life. 


  1. Utilize Technology: Leverage platforms like Fuse to streamline your recruitment process, ensuring a candidate-friendly experience that can enhance your attractiveness to capable candidates.


Retaining Capable Employees

  1. Foster a Culture of Inclusion: A workplace that celebrates diversity and promotes a sense of belonging can motivate capable employees to stay and grow with your organization. 


  1. Offer Growth Opportunities: Regular training and development programs show your employees that you value their growth and are invested in their future, which can significantly improve retention.


  1. Recognize and Reward: Acknowledge your employees' hard work and reward their accomplishments. This boosts morale and encourages them to contribute their best to the organization.


Remember, recruiting and retaining capable employees is a continuous process that requires a well-defined strategy and consistent efforts. But the result - a diverse, competent, and engaged workforce - is undoubtedly worth the effort.