Why System Emails are Sent to Spam

This article will explain why the emails sent from the Fuse system always seem to end up in Spam folders.


Every email sent contains two "From" email addresses. You usually think of the "From" email as the "Reply To" email. You enter this into all the "From" email fields in the system, which is most likely your work email address.

The second "From" email address is the "envelope from" email and shows the server route the email takes from the system to the recipient. 

The reason the emails from the system are bouncing or sending to spam has to do with a difference between your "From" email (your work email address) and the "envelope" email (the server email "server.com" address that doesn't match your company work email address "company.com").

There are three main ways to prevent this from happening:

  1. Have your IT team whitelist all Fuse email IP Addresses
  2. Use a Mail Signature
  3. Use a Mail Account

Option One: Have your IT Team Whitelist IP Addresses

Having your IT team whitelist specific IP addresses will allow any email sent from the Fuse system to reach anyone on your internal team, allowing all internal communications to go through.

However, this will not correct any issues with external emails. For example, emails you send from the system to applicants will not have your internal IP whitelisting and will remain unaffected.

For more information about which IP addresses to whitelist, view this knowledgebase article.

Option Two: Use a Mail Signature

A Mail Signature allows for updates to your Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) signature. The DKIM signature will change your "Envelope From" emails to use an internal server email without requiring a specific Mail Account login. This will prevent both internal and external emails from bouncing into spam and allow any email address to be used (unlike the Mail Account setup in option three).

Mail Signatures are in the system under Settings > Global Setup > Mail Signatures.

For more information about Mail Signatures, review the Global Setup: Mail Signatures Online Documentation found in FuseConnect.

Option Three: Use a Mail Account

Using a Mail Account for your emails will allow the system to log in to your internal email server and use the same "Envelope From" email as the "From" email. Because the envelope and reply to emails will now match their domain, this should prevent both internal and external emails from ending up in someone's spam folder.

It is important to note that because the Mail Account is logging in to your internal server, this "user" set up to log in must have access to all "From" emails being used. For example, if you wish to use HR@Company.com as the reply to email address on your communications, your mail account must have access to send emails from HR@Company.com. If you attempt to send any email from an address that this "user" doesn't have access to, those emails will not be sent.

If you have concerns about updating your from email addresses in every workflow and notification, view Option Two for more information about using Mail Signatures.

View this knowledgebase article for more information about setting up and using mail accounts.