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  2. Human Resources (HR)
  3. Learning Management System (LMS)

Getting Started with the LMS

Here are some tips and tricks on getting started with the Learning Management System

Updating the Look & Feel

Edit your academy with your logo and colors! The below link has instructions on how to update the look of your academy.

Please Note: Do not change the name of your Academy without notifying Fuse! This could cause issues with the integration. If you need to change your academy name, please contact support@fuseworkforce.com so we can help you through this process.

Customizing Your Academy's Look

Turning off Notifications

Before adding employees or making assignments, turn off the notifications. Because of the Single-Sign-On functionally built within the Fuse system, the Schoox instructions on logging in, resetting passwords, or accessing learnings are incorrect. They may also include links directly to the Schoox system, and employees will need to use the login through Fuse. Please ensure that all Academy notifications are disabled prior to syncing employees into Schoox with the Learning Profiles. 

For more information regarding updating or reviewing Schoox notifications, visit Editing the Email Notifications.

Building Groups for Automation

Groups should be created in Schoox using employee demographics (like department, job, hire date) for advanced automation in course assignment. If you create the group before you start assigning courses, you only have to create the rules once for each option.

You might also want to create a group that only shows employees hired after a certain date. That way, when you setup automated assignment, only new hires will be assigned the courses, rather than the whole team that may have already completed this coursework during their own onboarding processes.

Group functionality will need to be enabled before you will be able to create new groups. For more information on enabling the functionalty and creating new groups, visit Creating Groups

Syncing Employee Data

Anyone you wish to add to the LMS must have an account in the Fuse system. That account will need a Learning profile and access to the Learning reports within their security profile. 

Be careful about assigning learning profiles until the Schoox notifications have been disabled!

Please take a look at our knowledgebase article for more information on syncing employee data.

Sync Employees into the LMS

Purchasable Content & License Assignment

If you do not have your own content, you can purchase specific courses or libraries from the Schoox marketplace! Please feel free to contact support @ fuseworkforce.com to learn more about buying content.

If you have already purchased content, please take a look at our knowledgebase article for instructions on accessing and assigning these licenses.

Assign Purchased Content in the LMS

Building Courses

If you are not purchasing content through the Schoox marketplace, you will need to build your own courses. There is no limit to the number of courses you can create in the Schoox system. To see the basics of how to create your courses, visit Creating a Course.

Assigning Courses

You will not be able to assign courses to employees until you have completed the items above. 
  1. You will need to ensure you have courses to assign (either by creating them or purchasing them),
  2. You will need to make sure your employee data has synced with the Schoox platform, and 
  3. Pro Tip: You will want to have created groups to make advanced assignment easier

For more information on how to assign courses, visit Assigning Courses to Employees.


There are some basic reports to review the status of employee learning in the Fuse system, but to run more robust and detailed reporting, you will want to use the Schoox report builder. 

Please Note: The report builder has the ability to automate email delivery. Because of the way the single-sign on functionality works, this automated delivery will only send to the report creator. The email itself will have a download button to download the report, but please ensure you have already logged into Fuse and Schoox in another web browser before clicking on this link. If you do not have Fuse and Schoox open in another web browser, this download now button will not work, and you will need to manually download the report from the Schoox system.

The Mobile App

The LMS mobile app is named HCMLearningToGo. For more information about the mobile app, view our knowledgebase article:

HCMLearningToGo: The LMS Mobile App