How to Setup and Use the Announcement/Pop-Up Communicator Feature

How to Setup and Use the Pop-Up Communicator Feature? How does the Pop-Up Communicator Function Work?

The Announcement/Pop-Up Communicator feature in the Admin Account provides the ability to send out system-wide messages to users.

If you want your Announcement to also push out a communication to your users, you will need to ensure that the "Announcement Created" Notification is active in your company prior to creating your Announcement(s).  See this article on how to configure and use this Notification.

• To set this feature up you would first need to navigate to Company Settings > Our Company > Announcements
• After clicking on the Add New icon in the top right of the screen, you will find the Announcement Configuration screen to build out the announcement.
• Below provides additional definitions of each of the Announcement Fields

1. Headline = Title Line Message to Display at the Top of the Pop-Up.
2. Body = Message to Display below the Headline.
3. Active = The ability for this Announcement to be active to use along with the dates that this Announcement is active for.
4. Count Down = Provides a countdown display to a specific date, time, displaying in an interval of Days, Hours, or Minutes.
5. Add To Dashboard Heading As = Information, in order to have it display at the top of the dashboard
6. Show Pop Up On Login = check this to have it pop up as an informational box when users log in.

Remember that if you have the "Announcement Created" notification active for your company, DO NOT click the Save button in your new Announcement until you are 100% ready for it to be sent out to your employees.  Also, the Active From and Active To dates within an Announcement control when it is visible in the system, but these dates DO NOT delay or schedule the "Announcement Created" Notification to be sent later.  This Notification gets sent immediately if the Active box is checked.