How do we remove an employee from a pay period in payroll?

When an employee's start date is changed to a later date, the employee may have erroneously been placed in the payroll for the original start date.

Manage Payroll > Manage Payrolls > Process Timesheets

  • Select the Pay Period Per Employee (blue people) icon for the row of the pay period that the employee should not have been a part of.
  • On the next screen, select the checkbox of the row of the employee that should be removed.
  • Choose the Ellipsis (...) in the top right corner. 
  • Select Remove Employees.
  • Answer yes.


To Note:

  • If the employee is hourly and has no hours, the employee would not be paid anything even if in the pay period, and thus removing is a formality.
  • It is only suggested that you remove an employee from a pay period if the pay period is before the employee's true start date.