Company Hub - Sharing a PDF from Google Drive

How to share a PDF from Google Drive to use in content for your Company Hub

  1. Find the document you wish to share from Google Drive and preview it.
  2. Click the share button on the top right of the preview screen and ensure General access shows that Anyone with the link can view this document.
  3. Click on the ellipses icon next to the share button and choose to Open in New Window.
  4. On the view in this new window, click the ellipses again, and you should see the option to Embed Item.
  5. The Embed item popup will show you the HTML code. Copy all of the HTML code that shows up inside the white box.
  6. In the Fuse system, inside your content widget, click on the Source Code icon on the edit screen.

  7. Paste the HTML code from your Google Drive document into the source code screen. Ensure that if there is a number in the width section of your source code, you adjust it to show 100%