Best Practices for Imports

This article has best practices for creating and importing data into the Fuse system.

Download/Review the Import Template

  • Import Templates are in the system under Settings > Imports > Overview.
  • Import templates are grouped into different categories, and you can search by type or description to find the import you need. When reviewing these categories, note where you downloaded the template because this will help you find the import location (see instructions below).
  • Click on the link in the Download column to download the import template.
  • Every Template has a template tab that you can use for data entry. Please also be sure to review the help tab for instructions. 

Complete/Save your Import File

Every import template will have a Template tab and an Instructions tab.

  • Template Tab: will have a column for each available field option. Columns with Red labels are required.
  • Instructions Tab: includes directions and the top and will have details about required columns, valid formatting options, and a Description of how the import will work with that field. It is important to follow the instructions tab or you will have errors during import.

Once you have finished filling in your import template, could you save it as an Excel 97-2003 Workbook (.xls) file? On your Save As screen, you can review your Save as type in the drop-down under the File name field:

If your file is saved as a .xlsx, you will receive an error message during import regarding a 'Missing Header Record,' and you will need to save it again using the correct type.

It is recommended to save two versions of your file, one with only a few rows, to test this import on a small group before importing a large amount of data.

Once your file is saved, you are ready to import your data.

Importing your Data

  • Import Location
    • Go to Settings > Imports and choose the Category where you found your template. 
    • An employee import, for example, can be found in the Employee Setup category, so your path is under Settings > Imports > Employee Setup.
  • Testing Imports
    • Once you have chosen your import file, press the Test button to allow the system to test the import and give you potential warnings BEFORE you press the Import button.
    • Create a 'test' version of your import file with only a few rows so you can review the data that imports for a small group before completing large imports. Review the audit trails on that small number to ensure only the correct data was updated.
  • Importing your Data
    • Once your data is imported, the success screen will show you what has been updated. Please ensure the data is updated correctly by reviewing the updates and audit trails.

Common Error Resolution

  • Missing Header Record
    • A missing header record means your file was not saved appropriately as a .xls file and was most likely saved as a .xlsx. You must open your file and resave it as a new version. Please review the instructions about completing your import file (above).
  • Missing Columns
    • If you receive a message about a missing column, and you cannot find that column on your import template, you are attempting to import a file into the wrong import location.
    • When importing Payroll data, please note that there are columnar and non-columnar options. Check your template and your import location so that they match.
    • When importing Cost Center data, there are standard and extended template options. Depending on your template, you must use the 'Input Type' drop-down on the import screen (above your Choose File button) to ensure you are importing into the correct template type.